Flexicontent is a complet CCK solution for Joomla!, 100% compatible with com_content, com_category, com_tags. You can create powerfull custom site :
- Adding 32 type of fields
- Multivalue system
- ACL and versionning peer field
- Multi facet and search optimize for big SQL data
- Multi-category AND Multi view
- Category and item templating
- 7 powerfull modules
All is out of box and free !
More informations here : https://www.flexicontent.org/
To understand this tutorial its important to understand flexicontent concept, the goal is to create a powerfull CCK with less coding.
That the goal, to acheive this we need to have many option (maybe too much) but with flexicontent you can do a lot function just by click on option.
To be more flexible we add a complet heritage system, all values and options can be override by many way. It realy interesting because you can acheive 2 differents view (1 peer user type) with the same category of content. Very inetresting for example if you want to create a liste a product for public and same liste with same content but with more information more field
Heritage system is
For category display : Flexicontent global config -> Category Template -> Category config -> Menu link to category
For item display : Flexicontent global config -> Item Template -> Type config -> Menu link to item
this hierachy is done because :
- an item can be in multi category
- an type can be in any category
in fact when you are lost the question is where are you ? in item view ? in category view ? => and check option step by step.